Monday, October 26, 2009

CFPA - Vanilla, States, Auto dealers, and small banks

Well, the CFPA has moved through the House Financial Services Committee, with 4 compromises from the initial Administration Backed blue-prints

1. "Vanilla" is out
2. States cannot pre-empt the Feds with stronger regulation - well, atleast not blantently
3. Auto Dealers who offer financing are not covered
4. Small banks, defined as under $10B in Assets, will be exempt from regular CFPA "visits"

Friday, October 23, 2009

Resolution Authority Coming on Monday

Maybe, or so says reuters

Looks like the admin might put out a formal proposal on how to unwind the large Tier-1 Financial Holding Companies (FHC). So far, the admin's proposal has only made it more expensive to be a Tier 1 FHC. Well, we should say it does so "in theory", because as we've seen with the myriad of Fed/FDIC/Treasury support programs during an actual crisis go to disproportionately benifit Tier 1 FHCs, on top of the implicit support that in the event of future troubles.

The new draft bill is expected to take a tougher stance toward troubled financial firms than the administration's original plan, and may take out some language that would allow for temporary bailouts.

Giving the government "resolution authority" would serve as a rebuttal to the concept that some firms are too big to fail. Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke on Friday highlighted the need for this authority as well as other measures to reduce the likelihood that one firm could destabilize the financial system

Emphasis added was mine. That would probably be a good thing, although my guess is that the implicit bailout guarentee remains very storng unless explicitly taken of the table in the strongest of terms. We'll see what the actual specifics are...

NY Times gets more specific. Apparently some "living wills" on how to unwind the Tier 1 FHCs.
Setting up the equivalent of living wills for corporations, that plan would require that they come up with their own procedure to be disentangled in the event of a crisis, a plan that administration officials say ought to be made public in advance.

“These changes will impose market discipline on the largest and most interconnected companies,” said Michael S. Barr, assistant Treasury secretary for financial institutions. One of the biggest changes the plan would make, he said, is that instead of being controlled by creditors, the process is controlled by the government.

Wow! We'll what that actually means, the whole "being controlled by the government". So far, bank creditors have made out very swell, essentially getting a government guarentee. The key here of course is that there be a transparent, process with no uncertainty, so as to ensure discipline of relavent stakeholders, from boards/shareholders, bond holders, and regulators.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Underfunded pensions, risks, and rating agencies

We learned this past weekend from the Washington Post that Pension funds are seriously underfunded and are now facing the stark choice of either taking even "greater risks or cutting benifits" to meet obligation. For those wondering, both choices are bad.

And then Gretchen Morgenson reports in the NY Times this past Sunday that the "Stale Bond Ratings " with regards to their municipal bond ratings. She writes that according to testimony from the former head of compliance at Moody's that agencies rarely go back and review ratings for a muni bind after it has been issued... sometimes waiting decades!

While a few very high profile/frequent issuers (City of New York, etc.) were receiving some periodic reviews, the vast majority had received none — in some cases there were bonds which had been outstanding for 10 or 20 years but which had never been looked at since the original rating.”

Bad enough, but it get's worse. Apparently, municipal financing isn't as plain vanilla as it was in your grandfather's (or father's) muni bond portfolio.

The increased complexity of municipal issuers’ financing methods also makes it tough to analyze their bonds. In recent years, for example, municipalities have been persuaded by Wall Street to enhance their returns or reduce their interest-rate risks through the use of derivatives. Some of these derivatives have become black holes on issuers’ books, and can be unwound only at a heavy cost. Keeping track of which issuers are using such derivatives, and the implications they hold for bondholders as interest rates rise and fall, would be a Herculean undertaking.

At a minimum, investors should be asking the agencies to update and rerate, these securities.

How do these 2 stories relate?
Can you imagine what pension funds and other institutional portfolios will look like when you adjust for not only the secondary market value of the CDOs on their books, but also the possible implications of the true secondary market value of Muni bonds carrying pre-crisis investment grade ratings?

Special Congrats to Ostrom and Williamson on their Nobel Prize in Economics

Actually, congrats to all winners in all fields this year, with a special congrats to the winners of the Economics prize. And an extra special congrats to Elinor Ostrom for being the first woman to win the Econ prize.

Interestingly, there work on organizational there may be implications in their research with regards to how we regulate financial markets, especially in light of the financial crisis. Williamson's research on institutions and organizations could be suggestive to experts involved with corporate governance and the debates around reglation/supervision of financial institution. When asked, Williamson said "there is no silver bullet" to the "too big to fail" problem but suggested: "that it is better to regulate large companies than to try to break them up or limit their size"

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Derivative Legislation, no slam dunk and super regulatory capture

So one would have thought that with the disasters of the last 2 years within the financial system, the huge loss to tax payers of the AIG bailout due to naked credit default swaps in the Financial Products Group, and the broad decries against "casino capitalism", OTC derivative regulation would be a slam dunk. Well, unfortunatly, not so fast. We find out today that there is no broad consensus - even significant resistance - to derivative legistlation. Interestingly, it's not just financial firms that are fighting it! The AP reports that companies such as Boeing, Caterpillar, Ford, GE, and Shell are part of coalition of 170 companies lobbyng congress to make the case that regulation could significantly increase their costs!

Apparently the Republicans on the House Financial Services Commitee and even some Democrats are joining in the resistance! Shockingly, some of the resistance comes from proposals that "major swap participants" would be required to hold capital against risk. As if insurance companies shouldn't be required to hold capital just in case they have to pay out claims.

Hopefully, this is just posturing by some industry officials - perhaps they are fully expecting to come around. Either way, it seems a sad story that large swaths of the companies in the non-financial sector would be become captured by the agenda of the very narrow interests of the financial sector, even if it goes against the own interests of the non-financial sector. This is more than regulatory capture, this is super-regulatory capture

Monday, October 5, 2009

TBTF is Costly....more costly than saving the whales!

The Great Gretchen Morgenson addresses the myriad of problems of tax payer support for the various support programs of the Fed that have been used to keep the big banks afloat. Her article in this past Sunday's NY Times Business section She cites a report by Dean Baker of CEPR where he estimates the discounted cost of funds afforded to the big banks comes out to about $34.1 billion a year. He derives at this by looking at the spread between the cost of funds for small banks who have not received the bulk of the government support and the large banks and bank holding companies that have.

Generally speaking, liquidity programs and the various Fed programs like the TLGP (where the government guarantees short term liabilities of the BHC in exchange for a small fee) have taken away the major competitive advantage that the small community banks have; access to cheap and reliable deposit accounts. The closeness to the localities where the community banks operate in gives them a competitive advantage that the large BHC cannot easily replicate. After all, the one competitive thing that small fish have that whales do not is agility and maneuverability in tight spaces.